Some Useful Information:

Facilities at the pool:

There are toilet facilities operated by Fife Coast and Countryside Trust. They are only open in daylight hours.

This is limited with sufficient for approximately 24 cars and 4-5 smaller camper vans.
Camper vans are requested to park at the far end of the sea wall where the spaces are deeper.

The play park has fencing around it. It is mainly laid to grass with a range of swings / slides for children to play on.

Offer a range of activities both on and off the water. (Visit Website)

A snack bar that offers a range of fast food from pizzas and filled rolls plus hot and cold drinks. They also run themed events.

A mobile coffee bar offering a range of light snacks, and hot and cold beverages with seating at the sea wall.

There is a proposal for a bookable sauna facility to operate at the tidal pool (link when available).

Coat pegs are situated along the lower sea wall for dookers to hang their kit when in the water.

The pool itself

The pool is accessed either from a gently shelving pebble beach at the north end, steel steps by ‘The Grind’ or via steel steps to a concrete hardstanding and then a steel ladder into the water.

The pool is filled by sea water when the tidal height is above 4.27m and remains full when the tide goes out. The pool is shallow at either end, with the deepest part being in the centre, opposite the entry ladder. The maximum depth is about 6’ (1.8m). The force of the sea and movement of the tidal stream causes the bed of the pool to change over time in depth.

There are five cannons in the pool – three 19th Century artillery pieces, one 18th Century Naval piece and one smaller 19th Century naval piece.


The changing nature of the seabed means that diving into the pool is prohibited.

At high water in rough and stormy conditions, it is advised to not to enter the water.

Very occasionally, jellyfish can be washed into the pool, some of which may sting.
If jellyfish are present, it is advised not to enter the water.

The natural bedrock and stone features can be slippery when wet.
Care should be taken when transiting around the pool area.

Please do not take glass to the pool; use shatterproof acrylic glasses to avoid unnecessary potential for injury.

The water is cold. There is a Perry Buoy and throwing lines at the top of the main stairs should they be required to rescue someone from the water.


  • The pool can be swam in at any state of tide. However, at High Water, if the tidal height is above 4.8m, the sea can cover the concrete hard standing, reducing the changing / sitting space. If the winds are strong and the sea is rough, it can be dangerous to swim if the tide is above 4.8m.

  • In Winter: It is recommended that wetsuit gloves and boots are worn in addition to normal swim wear as a minimum to protect your extremities. Many also wear a 3mm short wetsuit. A wooly hat is also recommended.

    In summer: Wetsuit boots / shoes or other suitable footwear are recommended as the bottom of the pool is rocky and could have sharp objects washed in to it.

  • There are no restrictions on non-motorized craft in the pool, such as inflatables, paddle boards and canoes. The only motorized craft allowed in the pool are model boats.

    If you intend to bring a BBQ, you are encouraged to use it in the recreation park or road-level seating areas, as there are no safe means of disposing of hot embers at the pool side.

    Do not bring glass to the pool - there are no means to effectively clear up broken glass and many users of the pool, especially children, are in bare feet.